Registration packs have been sent out by Chris, anyone who has not received one but feels they should have please email Chris.
Good morning, As you know, we are not able to hold our Labor Day event, "I Am Come Home" at Fort Ontario this year due to severe budget cuts at the site. The host group, Clan Cameron, has been working hard to come up with an alternative and here it is: we will be partnering with the Niagara Celtic Festival and Highland Games to offer our program as part of theirs. This is the first time we've done this type of thing and it has some exciting possibilities. Unfortunately, in order to partner with them, we've had to change our date from Labor Day weekend to September 18-19. Please see some details below from the host and more detailed information will come out later but I wanted you to know the good news and also of the date change. I hope you'll join us for this special weekend. Best wishes,
Chris Timm
Some additional information: